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Water Supply Charges

Water Pricing Policy Statement

Council proposes to adopt as part of the 2025/2026 Operational Plan a Policy for Water Pricing, which incorporates the user pays principle. The proposed water pricing policy for the 2025/2026 financial year is based on the following charging components:

(a)              An annual availability charge which applies to each individual connection to the water supply and to each property to which a service connection is available to a Water Supply System;

(b)              A consumption-based charge for each kilolitre of water consumed. The purpose of this Water Pricing Policy is to:

(a)              assist in the financing of the water supply;

(b)              provide for future capital works; and

(c)               encourage a conservative use of water.

Water Supply  Availability Charge

In accordance with best practice guidelines and in accordance with sections 501 and 502 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council proposes to:

  1. Levy an Availability Charge applicable to all properties connected or able to be connected to a Council Water Supply; and
  2. Levy a water supply charge on land that is supplied with water from a water pipe of

the Council and also land that is situated within 225 metres of a water pipe and physically able to be connected to Council’s water main.

The minimum non-residential water access charge will be the annual residential water availability charge.

The service availability charge for residential strata lots will be 75% of the residential service availability charge. This recognises that strata developments utilise shared services infrastructure at a lower cost to Council and provides a higher income yield for each rateable property.

The water supply service availability charge is levied as a charge per water connection to each rates assessment.

The account for the access charge will be included on the annual rates notice.

Water Supply – Consumption Charges

In accordance with Section 502 of the Local Government Act 1993, it is proposed to levy a charge for the consumption of water for all properties, as detailed in Council’s Fees and Charges document which forms part of this Operational Plan.

Mount Lindesay Private Water Line Maintenance Charge

A charge per water meter as outlined in the Fees and Charges Section of the Operational Plan applies to users of the Mount Lindesay Private Water Line.

Minimum Account Charge

In the 2025/2026 Billing Year there will be a minimum water consumption account charge for each of the six (6) monthly billing periods.

Damaged Water Meter

If at the time of reading a water meter it is found to be damaged or has stopped, an account will be issued based upon the average water consumption for the previous two corresponding water billing periods.

Concealed Water Leakage Concession Policy

Please refer to Council’s Policy on this matter if you have a concealed water leak. The Policy is available on Council’s website.