Tenterfield Airstrip in New Hands
Rob Evans and Peter Jones from Friends of Tenterfield Aerodrome Association (FOTA) attended the Council Administration Building on Monday, 7 August 2023 to sign a lease to manage the Tenterfield Airstrip. In the Ordinary Council Meeting of 30 June 2023, Council resolved unanimously to accept FOTA’s application to occupy and manage this important community facility. The group was formed to ensure the airstrip remains equipped and ready to assist the Tenterfield Shire community with resilience, security, emergency response, health and economic benefits. Mayor Bronwyn Petrie commented “I wish FOTA all the best in their management of this community facility, and they have many ideas for improvements and events which I sincerely hope will come to fruition, including next years’ 90th anniversary celebration of Charles Kingsford Smith’s visit to Tenterfield in 1934”. Mayor Petrie visited Sydney recently to liaise with the Rural Fire Service for funding which may assist the airstrip in disaster readiness preparations, and Council will continue to work with FOTA to seek funding opportunities which may arise in the future. Image 1: Rob Evans and Peter Jones from Friends of Tenterfield Aerodrome Association (FOTA) sign a lease to manage the Tenterfield Airstrip.