It is time for local community members to start to think about the September 2024 Local Government Elections for Tenterfield Shire Council.
Below is a link to the NSW Office of Local Government website on “Becoming a Councillor.” https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/public/about-councils/become-a-councillor-section/
It is important for the future of Tenterfield Shire to develop and grow our future leaders from all age groups and backgrounds to ensure that theShire develops in a sustainable way that is representative of all residents and visitors.
I would like to request that you share the link through your email group and have the link on your website if possible. Nominations for the 2024 Council election will come around very quickly.
If anyone requires information about becoming a Councillor, please contact the office to make an appointment with the General Manager.
Thank you
Glenn Wilcox General Manager