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The NSW and Australian Governments have announced additional assistance measures to support primary producers who have been impacted by the…

14 March 2022 This issue of Your Local News will only be available online due to the recent flooding in Lismore.…

If you're a small business or a not-for-profit organisation, and you've been directly impacted by the storms and floods in…

5 January 2022 Tenterfield Dam was the site for the release of an estimated 300 large Rainbow Trout prior to the…

4 January 2022 Local Government Election Results 2021 A Ward Cr Peter Petty Cr Tim Bonner B Ward Cr Bronwyn Petrie Cr John Macnish C Ward Cr Tom Peters Vacancy Ward…

This Summer Just Sports N Fitness together with Tenterfield Shire Council are partnering with NSW Office of Sports to get…

28 October 2021  Tenterfield Youth Precinct & Mountain Bike Trailhead & Jennings Playground  On 5 August 2020 the NSW Government announced the…

12 October 2021  Tenterfield Shire Council wishes to remind all visitors to the Tenterfield Cemetery of some important safety requirements. A recent…

6 July 2021  Council has succeeded in gaining funding of $5,746,545 to construct and seal the final 7.6-kilometre section of Mount…